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GAIA Archive

GAIA is available in full text at IngentaConnect: www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oekom/gaia/


GAIA 3 - 2019 
Special Issue: Sustainable Economy – Perspectives of Change

GAIA 2 - 2019 
Research for Sustainable Development Goals

GAIA 1 - 2019 
Wissenschaft als Konfliktlöserin

GAIA 5 - 2018 
Klimaschutz und Lebensmittelwahl

GAIA 4 - 2018 
Imperial Mode of Living and Sustainability

GAIA 3 - 2018 
Neue Biotechnologien und Landwirtschaft

GAIA 2 - 2018 
Arts-Based Research for Sustainability

GAIA 1 - 2018 
Special Issue: Labs in the Real World – Advancing Transdisciplinarity and Transformations

GAIA 5 - 2017 
Sustainable Aquaculture

GAIA 4 - 2017 
Die transformative Universität

GAIA 3 - 2017 
Sonderheft: Resilienz – Analysetool für soziale Transformation

GAIA 2 - 2017 
Jahrhundertprojekt Endlagerung

GAIA 1 - 2017 
Research on Natural Resources

GAIA 4 - 2016 
Reallabore und transdisziplinäre Forschung
out of stock!

GAIA 3 - 2016 
Exemplary Transdisciplinary Projects
Submit a paper
We invite original scientific research and discussion papers on environmental and sustainability research.
Nachhaltiger Umgang mit Metallen
Am 22. Oktober 2019 findet am IASS Potsdam die Tagung "Kobalt, Kupfer, Lithium & Co.“ statt, die sich mit der Verwendung von Metallen für die Energie- und Mobilitätswende befasst.
GAIA reviewers 2018
The peer-review process ensures the scientific quality of GAIA. Here you can find all experts who reviewed an article in 2018.
Toolkits for Transdisciplinarity
The series highlights existing compilations of methods useful for transdisciplinary research - now available for download!
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